Dental Implants
The Benefits of Implants
Implants are a fantastic option for replacing missing teeth. Implants provide a long term solution to one or more missing teeth and integrate safely and naturally into the jaw. This advance in dental technology allows dentists and oral surgeons to restore smiles with extraordinary results.
Why Do I Need To Replace
Missing Teeth?
Implants are a fantastic option for replacing missing teeth. Implants provide a long term solution to one or more missing teeth and integrate safely and naturally into the jaw. This advance in dental technology allows dentists and oral surgeons to restore smiles with extraordinary results.
How Does the Procedure Work?
Implants are placed in around an hour under local anesthesia with minimal post operative pain. After the implant has fully integrated into the bone, your implant is ready to be restored into a beautiful new crown.
Who Is A Candidate for Dental Implants?
A good candidate for dental implants has good oral and periodontal health and adequate bone structure to support the placement of an implant. At Blue Door, through clincial assessment and use of CBCT x-ray technology, we are able to accurately assess skeletal structure to support implant placement.